Constipation in children
Constipation is a common problem facing children and causes anxiety and discomfort for parents. Constipation is known as irregular bowel motion and the stool is hard. Or is a painful or difficult bowel motion,Accompanied some times by exit of stool like liquid in small quantities found on the underwear of the child without child control.the reasons :There are many causes of constipation in children, 90-95% of which is inorganic functional constipation diagnosed by taking the patient’s history and clinical examination to exclude other pathological causes. It usually does not require many laboratory tests.
1. It is advisable to drink sufficient amounts of fluids.
2 – It is recommended to eat food rich in fiber: the most important grains (such as oats), (such as lentils, beans and beans), fruits, especially apples, vegetables and potatoes
3 – Encouraging the child to exercise and sport daily
4 – go to the bathroom after each meal regularly and not rush out of the bathroom, and sit in the correct position in the bathroom. It is recommended to make a schedule of how often a child goes to the bathroom, to record the number of stool times and to operate a prize system after each stool.
5 – Do not traumatize the child when the discovery of feces on his underwear, but it is better to encourage and reassure him and support him to overcome constipation.
6 – Use of medicines regularly and according to the instructions of the pediatrician, these medicines either in the form of Syrup or enema or suppositories
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